Sagapusatu Shines: HABEMA Soldiers and Residents Transform Village Together

    Sagapusatu Shines: HABEMA Soldiers and Residents Transform Village Together

    NDUGA - The serene village of Sagapusatu in Krepkuri District, Nduga Regency, witnessed a remarkable collaboration on Thursday, November 28, 2024, as the Para Raider Infantry Battalion 503/Mayangkara Kostrad Task Forces joined forces with local residents for an environmental cleanup effort. Led by Captain Galih Widiharyo of the Batas Batu Post, this initiative showcased the power of unity in creating positive change.  

    The cleanup project, a product of weeks of planning and discussion between the Task Forces and Sagapusatu’s Community Leaders, focused on clearing roads, gutters, and residential areas. Task Forces Commander Lieutenant Colonel Gurbasa Samosir emphasized the importance of meeting the community's needs while fostering trust and cooperation.  

    Under the clear morning skies, Soldiers and residents worked side by side, armed with tools and determination. For many, it was a day of firsts: the first time such an initiative was held in the area and the first time Soldiers and locals collaborated on such a large scale. The result was nothing short of transformative, leaving the village cleaner and its people inspired.  

    Mr. Maro Kogoya, a respected Community Leader, expressed heartfelt gratitude: "Thank you, Commander 503. Sagapusatu Village is cleaner now. God bless." His words reflected the sentiments of many who saw the cleanup as more than just an event it was a new beginning.  

    The efforts did not go unnoticed at the highest levels. Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, the HABEMA Commanding General, praised the initiative, saying,

    "The 503 Task Forces’ cleanup campaign demonstrates TNI’s commitment to working inclusively with communities. This is the kind of effort that accelerates development and builds a brighter future for Papua."

    The day’s success highlighted the importance of environmental care as a cornerstone for community well-being. Beyond the physical transformation, the activity strengthened relationships, built trust, and inspired hope for the future of Sagapusatu and beyond.  

    As the sun set over the freshly cleaned village, the Soldiers and residents shared a moment of quiet pride, knowing they had accomplished something meaningful together. The event served as a reminder of the profound impact that unity and shared effort can have, lighting the way for similar initiatives in the region.  


    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

    nduga papua nduga papua
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